Hi Winchester, and welcome to
SGU !To answer your questions,
1.- 20 hrs for research - you can use Di-lithium to reduce the time and speed the process ( this is for crafting and upgrade research) i.e - Finish Now (XXX dil)
2.- SGU Chat channel instructions can be found here:
http://stargate-union.com/chatchannel.html3.- Teaming up with other members is easy, look in SGU roster (Your Fleet button on mini map and Roster tab) and right click on their name and "invite to team"
4.- First, that char will have to leave the other fleet, then have a member lieutenant or higher invite him to fleet or contact an officer online to invite as well.
We welcome all questions and are glad to help out with our new members (to the game and to the fleet)
I hope this helps answer what you wanted to know

Fleet Community Manager - SGU