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Fleet Policies and Updates / Re: System Lords: Fleet Update - 9/27/2013
« Last post by blevok on December 03, 2013, 10:24:20 PM »
Well i can certainly understand things being too busy in RL.  I've definitely cut back on the amount of time i spend in-game in the last year as well.  I've tried to stay as active as possible, even though it's often only to throw some stuff into the holdings, or to see if anyone's up for promotion.  But not everyone has made the time to log in regularly.

I admit that i've been putting off the roster cleanup.  I intended to do it shortly after the fleet mail went out, but i just never felt that i had the time.  I'm now planning to get it done by this weekend.

As per the original announcement, all members, including senior officers will be demoted if they exceed the inactive period, with one exception...

Baha and myself, the fleet commandants, will always remain at that rank, regardless of any other factors, and we will always be the only ones at that rank.  This is for the security and stability/peace of mind of the entire fleet.  It's a lesson we learned the hard way, and we believe that this policy ensures the stability of the fleet by eliminating the potential for a dramatic power struggle, like what happened before.

As for kicking inactive members, we can do that to a certain extent, but i'll need to discuss it more with mark and baha.  To start with, i think we can certainly kick any Enlisted that haven't logged in in a year, and probably Lieutenants too.  I'm referring to their true rank though, as defined by role and contribution level.  I mention that because there are some members that held higher ranks that have already been reduced to Lieutenant.  There are certain members that are friends of ours that we may also decide not to kick, but we'll decide on a threshold for kicking regular members that are inactive for extended periods.

So as i said, my plan is to clean up the roster this week/weekend.  I'll also post an invitation to the fleet as the MOTD on the fed side.  Callu you can certainly recruit people as soon as you like.  I'll continue to keep up on promotions, and i'll try to start spending more time on my klingon, and try to encourage the other senior officers to do the same..

Fleet Policies and Updates / Re: System Lords: Fleet Update - 9/27/2013
« Last post by Lord Baha, God of Pie on December 03, 2013, 01:32:56 PM »
Sorry I am always around, i have just been getting busy in RL, and when i do get on ingame its usually on the SF side. Blevok will go over everything and what not here in a bit when he gets off work
Fleet Policies and Updates / Re: System Lords: Fleet Update - 9/27/2013
« Last post by Callu on December 02, 2013, 05:29:58 PM »
I think the image below (based on the gateway about half an hour ago) highlights the problem we've got.

Only 7 people have logged in in the last week.
Only a quarter of the fleet has logged in in the last 3 months.
Less than half the fleet has logged in in the last 6 months.
2 senior officers haven't logged in in more than 3 months.

I think that at the very least the changes stated by Blevok need to to made, inactive players should be demoted -- including high ranking members such as Baha and Leona; indeed it's probably even more important that the high ranking members of the fleet be active than lieutenants. I can't realistically be encouraging others to join the fleet when I know that most of the fleet, including much of the leadership, are inactive.

Given that several times in the last few months Blevok's tried to encourage people to be more active, all to little avail, I'd suggest deeper changes -- recognise that the fleet as it is is essentially dead, cut back the inactive membership significantly, send out an invite to Fed-side SGU members inviting them to join, and start actively recruiting on the KDF side.

As for what I'd suggest by way of cutting inactive members -- a fleet-wide message giving 1 weeks notice, followed by kicking anyone who hasn't logged in in 6 months, and demoting everyone who hasn't logged in in 1 month. If they come back -- great, promote them again, if not then it dosn't matter as neither they nor the fleet lose anything more as they were inactive anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Hello All
« Last post by Myrez on November 15, 2013, 09:19:17 AM »
Thanks Blev
General Discussion / Re: Hello All
« Last post by blevok on November 15, 2013, 01:49:21 AM »
Hello Myrez. Welcome to the forum, and the fleet!
General Discussion / Re: Hello All
« Last post by Myrez on November 14, 2013, 02:15:23 PM »
Oh well, thanks anyhow Blevok. Wish you guys the best.
General Discussion / Hello All
« Last post by Myrez on November 14, 2013, 05:05:41 AM »
Myrez in game, just popping in to say hi.

Also....Blevok wake up and get online. :)
Testing Ground / test
« Last post by blevok on April 06, 2013, 12:23:30 PM »
Fleet Policies and Updates / Stargate-Union: SGU Fleet Bank - 10/12/2013
« Last post by blevok on October 12, 2013, 05:56:37 PM »
Hello Stargate-Union.

As you know, there exists a thing called the fleet bank.  Our bank has seen a lot of activity from a small group of members, but most of you never use it.  That's probably because we've never really talked about what specifically is the proper and fair way to use it.  So here it is.

The items in the fleet bank are there for anyone to use.  If you see an item that can help you, you are welcome to withdraw it.  However, we ask that you only withdraw items that you will actually use.  Do not withdraw items to sell for energy credits.  If you are in need of energy credits, there are many ways to make credits quickly.  You can ask for tips in the Stargate Union chat channel, or in fleet chat, or you can send a mail to a fleet leader for help.  As always, we are happy to help our fellow fleet members in any way we can.

Everyone in the fleet has access to the fleet bank, and your withdraw permissions increase as you increase in rank.  There is a daily item withdraw limit for each tab in the bank.  You will see how many items you are allowed to withdraw in each tab.

The items you withdraw are deposited by other fleet members that want to help the fleet, so please return the favor and help others in the same way by depositing items that you won't use.

Almost any item is welcome in the bank if it can be useful to someone, however there are a few items that really just take up space.  Items that are acceptable to deposit are weapons, consoles, ship and ground equipment, particles, consumables, repair components, etc...  Other items such as pets, doff packs and xp boosts are also welcome.  Equipment deposits should be green quality mark X or better.  Please do not deposit tribbles, food items,  or lockboxes.

Please feel free to send any questions, comments, or concerns to any of the fleet leaders, or post on the fleet forum, located at


Fleet Leaders
Fleet Policies and Updates / System Lords: Fleet Update - 9/27/2013
« Last post by blevok on September 27, 2013, 09:34:28 AM »
Greetings to the System Lords members.

I realize things have been in disarray here for a while.  After the big split on the federation side, we also lost some key contributors here, so things really slowed down.  But i just want to reassure everyone that we have not given up by any means.  We've made some good progress with our holdings, and with your help we will continue to grow.

Bank permissions have been reset so that everyone has some form of access to items, and your access grows as you increase in rank.  The purpose of the fleet bank is to help the fleet, so please feel free to take anything that can help you.  And if you have something that you won't use but could be useful to others, you can donate it to the bank.

We've recently revised the rank structure.  Promotion requirements are as follows.  Lower ranks are based on fleet credits earned.  Higher ranks are held by department heads and leaders.
Lieutenant - 35,000
Captain - 200,000
Major - 500,000 (or 350,000 if you are also active on our teamspeak)

If you do not meet the requirements for your current rank, all you have to do to keep your rank is remain active.  Any player above lieutenant that goes inactive for 90 days will be reduced to lieutenant while you are inactive.  When you return, you will be returned to your appropriate rank based on credits earned, or leadership role for higher ranks.

We appreciate your support and loyalty, and we look forward to the future of the System Lords.
Please feel free to contact me @blevok anytime with questions, comments, etc...


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