« Last post by blevok on February 03, 2015, 01:35:59 AM »
Hello Stargate-Union! I hope everyone is enjoying the 5 year anniversary, i know i am. I can't remember the last time i visited places like Andoria, or Starbase 39, but i'm happy to do Q's bidding as he sends us across the galaxy to stabilize Omega particles.
In other news, things have been slow in the fleet lately. We're getting close to tier 5, but fleet activity has been very low, and a large portion of the fleet was inactive for a long period. When we noticed how many inactive players there were, we realized that our policy for inactive players is kind of excessive. So we've decided to make a change to our inactive policy.
Until now, members who had not logged in for 90 days were demoted to Lieutenant until they became active again, and members who did not log in for 180 days were viewed as totally inactive and removed from the fleet.
Starting in a couple days, inactivity will change to 30 days and 90 days. Players who don't log in for 30 days will be demoted to Enlisted while they're inactive, and players who are inactive for 90 days will be removed from the fleet. Anyone that gets removed will recieve a mail explaining why, and are welcome to re-join when they become active again.
This change is simply due to the large number of inactive players. We'll be starting a new recruiting effort, and we think it's not very encouraging to new members to see a huge number of inactive players.
To those that have remained active, the entire fleet appreciates your hard work, and we hope to have a larger active roster soon. We'll also be starting more holdings projects, but if you contribute resources and recieve a decent amount of credits, please remember to go to the starbase and use some of those credits on some doffs for starbase projects. Part of the point of adding more projects is to help complete ALL the projects, so please try to contribute in all areas of the holdings, and not just fleet marks and other easy to obtain resources.
Happy new year